Tag Archives: snow

Saint-Joseph’s Day

St-Joseph’s Day is March 19th.

RouXy’s Master explains: “Joseph was a carpenter. He would plane boards. Joseph being up there, in Heaven, shaving of wood [copeaux in French] would fall on Earth, the shape of big flakes of snow. Genuine Savoyards say les écappons – dialect for copeaux.”

The French word for écappons is giboulées. But if you look up giboulées in a dictionary, or on Wikipedia, you’ll find different descriptions of giboulées, with hail, rain, sleet, thunder… It depends on the regions.

It snowed last night. Frimousse would have loved it! The snow will melt soon. But we can expect other snow showers.

I didn’t intend to write an article about Saint-Joseph’s Day nor Écappons today, but since Poupette mentions it!







The Mistress of Zulu, Amarula and Frodo was surprised when I said the Frimousse and RouXy enjoyed being in the snow. With her three kitties she lives in Canada in a state where it is very cold in winter.

I’ve shown her the famous photo of RouXy galloping in the snow – photo I’ve made available to everybody on Wikimedia – and the (nearly) famous video of Frimousse in action in the snow. That was on February 14th, 2013. Today there’s nearly no snow left.

The blog of the Mistress of Zulu, Amarula and Frodo: https://hairballsandhissyfits.com/

courir neige from Frimousse Silvertabby on Vimeo.