
This morning, around 11:00, Moka came in. She drank her milk in the hallway, approached me to be caressed, then, climbed upstairs fast as a rocket to go and lie on an armchair. She goes in and out whenever she wants through the cat flaps. She doesn’t eat our food – there must find better food in other places! What she finds in our house is calm, no other cats, no children – at her Masters’ there are three other cats and her Mistress a babysitter. On average, Moka spends twenty hours a day in our house! Calm, milk and caresses…

I have great difficulty writing on Frimousse’s Blog. you realize the effort I’m making today!

2 thoughts on “Moka

  1. Mary McNeil

    We are always glad to hear a bit from you – and glad to see Moka is taking advantage of the calmness of your house. We have lost several of our kitties in the last few years and know you must still miss Frimousse and Rouxy..


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