Moka visits us more and more often. Since we give her milk and food. But at lunch-time she caught a bird and ate it. Should we stop feeding the birds, since it’s summer, or should we stop giving anything to Moka?
Moka visits us more and more often. Since we give her milk and food. But at lunch-time she caught a bird and ate it. Should we stop feeding the birds, since it’s summer, or should we stop giving anything to Moka?
The Master of Rouxy brought the Christmas tree, a fir tree from his forest a few hours before some snow fell. The Mistress of Frimousse hastened to decorate it, of course. It is the third tree, and the third Christmas, without Frimousse and Rouxy… There is snow this morning, but not even an inch and only where it could stand. The weather doesn’t predict cold, so…
For a few weeks I have been giving sunflower seeds to birds. Frimousse ate a lot of them so I owe them that! They are mainly tits, some finches and rare sparrows. For a few days a nuthatch and a bullfinch and yesterday a great spotted woodpecker.