December 30th

The year is ending. We still have the visits of Moka, Petite Poltron(e), from time to time Yoda, and a a turtleshell cat. Quite cold for a few days and now alternating snow-showers and sunny spells. Cold forcast for next week. The Mistress of Frimousse finally sleeps in bed and can drive. But her ribs remain sensitive. It’s impossible for her to run, bike or ski – yet the snow is beautiful right now. Grrrr… Health for us is linked to the possibility of doing sport. So we walk at least every day, along the Lake, as long as the Parisian government does not forbid it again.

It’s right here :

A cats’ blog?

Yoda, whose Masters are also Moka’s, visiting our house last night

Poor France! Not a day goes by without the images of new police brutalities being shown to us. Interior Minister Darmanin, like his friend Sarkozy, said to the police: “I’m covering for you!” And so that the police can act with impunity, the Parliament is passing a law prohibiting the photographing and filming of police officers. This is a law that Ms. Le Pen will not have to pass if she is elected in a year and a half…