Why this young chamois? We were in Cogne last weekend, to run (the Mistress of Frimousse) and walk (me). On one road we had to stop, just like the other motorists. Chamois took care of their business without being interested in us!
Why this young chamois? We were in Cogne last weekend, to run (the Mistress of Frimousse) and walk (me). On one road we had to stop, just like the other motorists. Chamois took care of their business without being interested in us!
They look very relaxed and that is good to see
They are not afraid. As no one does them any harm!
They appear calmer than the deer that are in our roads here. Purrs !
This is a National Park, what used to be King Emmanuel II’s private hunting area. If a motorist hurt one of the animals, and is identified, he is taken to Court.
Wildlife doesn’t wait for traffic rules—what a special moment to witness!
Regard Unissula