Dingle is not well and her Mistress is very worried. Dingle is part of our life too… Moka comes to visit us very irregularly every two or three days. And her friend Yoda more rarely. The tabby kitten comes from time to time. And the feral cat comes to eat and drink at least every night. On Wednesday 21 October the Mistress of Frimousse fell with her bike in a steep descent. Three broken ribs. And since then, she’s been spending her nights in an armchair because you can’t sleep in bed… Covid in my son’s family (more here). I’ve resumed my walks here. Obviously it goes up and down, contrary to the shore of the Lake, but the Gentleman who knows everything about everything decided for me, and for my good, in his Parisian office.
We are sorry for the Mistress of Frimousse and your son and his family, and for sweet Dingle ! We send purrayers and Power of the Paw to all of them, and you and all the neighborhood kitties !
Frimousse’s Mistress’s ribs is painful but not serious. My son and my grand-son are okay. Being very fit helps!
That is really difficult and we wish her a speedy healing. We tried to message Dingle but could not so send them our well wishes
I will! Broken ribs are painful but patience is the only cure.
je regret that you have so many difficulties this november – your wife and son and friend Dingle-bon chance to all!
That’s very kind of you. My son is back to work – well… mainly from home! His boss has told him to avoid being in his office as much as he can – nobody else has got covid for the time being there. As Universities are closed my grandson cycles a lot… He has a home trainer at home! and he said to Frimousse’s Mistress: “On my HT I can’t have an accident as the one you’ve had! for the first time today – the accident was a fortnight ago last Wednesday – she walked a couple of kilometres with on the only road that is nearly flat here. She’ll go it again tomorrow. Pat your three beloved cats for us.
Dingle is 17 years old. She seems to have some sort of kidney disease. Well I think the only thing her Mistress can do is making her spend time as happily as possible. and that’s what she does.