Poor France! Not a day goes by without the images of new police brutalities being shown to us. Interior Minister Darmanin, like his friend Sarkozy, said to the police: “I’m covering for you!” And so that the police can act with impunity, the Parliament is passing a law prohibiting the photographing and filming of police officers. This is a law that Ms. Le Pen will not have to pass if she is elected in a year and a half…
Wow that is something. Sad to hear as there does need to be accountability
The government repeat: “We cover for you” therefore they are certain they won’t be punished if they act badly…
Alas, welcome to America.
too bad cats aren’t’ in charge!
that would be a crazy law! Joyeaux noel (and no I did not make the sweater — can’t sew!!)
We hope you had a good Christmas and wish you a happy new year. Keep in good health in particular, keep your cats happy – I know you will!