Little by little Moka takes possession of Frimousse’s garden. But we don’t want her to feel too much “at home”. It’s Frimousse’s garden and she has a house of her own. They probably don’t allow her inside because she’s not trying to get in our house at all.
But we have to keep the door of our basement closed and the Master of Rouxy does the same with the door of his workshop because we are sure that Moka will have kittens very soon and we do not want her to have them here!

Oh – having her roam and not be spayed does create a problem for all of you, doesn’t it ? We have a neighbor cat who prefers to dine with us, and he is an intact male. But since all my cats are spayed or neutered, there have been no kittens and few fights
She has made friends with Minidril – the totally black cat and the totally white cat, funny! There is another cat coming here sometimes, a lady cat too. We don’t see any man cats these days…
Oh my she is not neutered? And outside? Oh me my kittens on the fly
Yes, her Mistress, whom I met a few days ago, told me she was neutered. She is rather… plump!