Inanimate objects do you have a soul…

There are the memories we shared with Tigri, with Rouxy, with Frimousse… With such and such of our relatives or friends.

There are the memories shared with our Skoda Fabia. It ended last Monday…



4 thoughts on “Inanimate objects do you have a soul…

  1. Timmy Tomcat

    Ah yes there is a bit of sadness when we say goodbye to our old vehicles and the memories they carry. The good ones like all memories will fade but come back with with a trigger. We prefer remembering our cat angels

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      You’re right. Cats were active. They built memories. Things just help remembering.
      But we remember moments where the cats were in the car, bathing in the sun, or trying to stop us from going to work or to the shops…


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