Behind the lantern


My Mistress has put Christmas decorations away, except the holly and the branches of fir tree on the balcony. Yesterday afternoon I stayed one moment behind the lantern.
My Master has promised me something not to forget RouXy. Because as long as we do not forget him he will be with us. I, Frimousse, I am not sure I understand, do you? Do you think he will keep his promise?

17 thoughts on “Behind the lantern

  1. Mary in Ohio

    Oh, Frimousse — did he ever make you a promise he did not keep if he possibly could ? Not a silly promise, like “all the tuna in the world” but a REAL promise ? He will certainly keep this one, Please ease your heart a little bit, my friend – he will not forget you, just as you will never forget him !
    My Elkhound boy died in December – he was only seven and a half but he had cancer. His friend, my 13-year-old beagle, misses him but knows he promised to stay with us too (an animal communicator reassured me of this.).

    1. Frimousse Post author

      My Master says “Cat’s life is shorter than Masters’s lives. Some many of our four-legged friends die.”
      Well, if he says so, that must be true, but…

  2. Mary in Ohio

    To the Master of Frimousse : I am very sincere about what I wrote above. I have dealt with a communicator who is a friend of a friend. He has a special ability to be in touch with animals (like a psychic, but he does not -he says, thankfully – have the ability to read humans. Too much baggage He has also said that just talking to your animals, as you would to your friends, is a way of communicating, even if you have no special skills. So please keep telling Frimoussse about RouXy, just as you have been doing. Has he eaten a bit ?

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse

      Of course I know you are sincere!
      Frimousse must get used to his new life. He’s never been the only cat in the house since July 2001! He even had two friends between October 2002 and September 2012.
      Yes, he’s eaten a bit.

  3. Mary in Ohio

    Such good news ! Thank you. My beagle has also not ever been alone (there was an older dog before the Elkhound) but she seems to be adjusting.

  4. Punapippuri

    The lantern is special – light can travel farther than we can ever see I think. And promises like that are not to be broken, even if they way they are filled is sometimes hard to realise. Keep eating Frimousse.

  5. Eastside Cats

    Frimousse, I saw the photo of you and Angel RouXy from 2001, when you were both much smaller and younger. Looking forward to reading about your lives together. Glad to hear you’ve eaten some!

        1. Frimousse Post author

          Like my friend RouXy! But I, Frimousse, can’t help scratching when someone rubs my belly. It is my wild side, isn’t it?
          RouXy, a trouble maker? not at all! He was allowed to do whatever he wanted.


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