20 thoughts on “Sunday Selfie

  1. kapitola

    hello Frimousse–beautiful photos and I love how wonderful your Christmas decorations are–but I notice that you have last weeks (la semaine passe) sunday selfie – each week if you want to join you must use the new BLOG CODE – c’est ici – http://thecatonmyhead.com/ pour aujourdhui – a bientot

      1. kapitola

        Bonjour! You have to wait until next week– usually the blogger will post it around midnight 24:00 la nuit avant! but sometimes you must wait until le matin! A bientot!

  2. erinthecatprincess

    Hi, I love your selfie this week, you are well concealed and almost part of the festive decorations. Have a great week, and hope to see you next Sunday for the blog hop. purrs ERin

  3. Robin

    You are a gorgeous kitty! It looks like you have a lot of fun things to explore up there. 🙂 I hope that you had tons of fun!

  4. Dash Kitten

    Hello there, it is lovely to see you in the Sunday Selfie! We are late (we often are) but we catch up on everyone 🙂 We just read your post on RouXy and hope he is faring well or has given you the signal that he wishes to leave.

    See you this coming Sunday,

    The Dash Kitten Crew


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