Tag Archives: Frimousse

Suspended sentence

Frimousse’s docteure doesn’t puncture cats without a proper anaesthetic. And in the condition of an old cat like Frimousse an anaesthetic can prove fatal. The swelling of the stomach due to ascites doesn’t make Frimousse suffer, he feels the same discomfort as a woman expecting a baby. In addition to that the ascites would come back rapidly to the same level and a new puncture would be necessary within eight or ten days, with another anaesthetic.

So she gave Frimousse an injection, the same medicine as a fortnight ago, and we came back home. Frimousse spent much of the evening on top of his piano.

This morning he asked me to open the cat flap for him only a few minutes ago, at 8:30. That is very unusual. By, before,  he “helped” me cut the meat for the moussaka I am preparing for our visitors tomorrow. What he ate represents quite a proper meal for him!

Thank you for concerning yourself with our sweet Frimousse’s health. How long will he still be alive? His docteure can’t say. She told us that Frimousse will become weaker and weaker and injections will no longer be able to boost his appetite nor walk about in his garden, and live his life.


Frimousse Blog – 23rd August, 2010

Frimousse hiding behind the bottle rack just before 1 pm

Frimousse Blog was started, in French, on July 8th 2008 on another platform, Over-Blog. This is the article that was posted (in French) on 23rd August, 2010:

Tell me, my Master, what would you do if you did not have to take care of us?

– Well… I would go running in the mountain or walking…

You’re joking, my Master! I, Frimousse, know you cannot run nor walk in the mountains any more!

– I would go to the restaurant, I would watch TV …

You are trying to make fun of me, my Master! I, Frimousse, know that you hate going to the restaurant, that you hate watching TV!

– I would write a book for children. It would be the story of three cats who would take care of me.

How would these three cats look like?

You are making fun of me, Frimousse! I, your Master, know that you have already guessed…

But as you are taking care of us, you will not write this story and therefore children won’t read it. So there!