Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse

the postman has just…

The postman has just brought it. I start reading at once!


12/04/2018 5.00 pm. Finished reading the book!

Here is MY translation of the conclusion of the author:

“What I wish, it is that we become a little more respectful of the living beings that surrounds us, whether they are animals or vegetables. It does not necessarily mean giving up using them altogether, but consenting to limit slightly our comfort, as well as our consumption of biological commodities. What will be our reward? More cheerful horses, goats, hens and pigs; happy deer, martens or corvidae, which let us observe them, including, for the latter, croaking their names … Then, our central nervous system will secrete hormones appropriate to spread in us a feeling which nobody could resist: happiness!”



10th April 2017

He was beautiful, our Frimousse, wasn’t he? Even on the last day. At the last hour, I should write.

He was quiet, resigned, facing the inevitable. We would have liked so much to keep him with us! But he was no longer the lively cat, running in his garden, climbing on his lime tree, running up at full speed to eat his big shrimps. We gave him as much love as we could. But keeping him as he was on that day of April would have been selfishness from our part.

He let us lay him gently in the box.

He knew, Frimousse.