Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse

Frimousse – 2008

Frimousse :

“In the evening of Friday, June 6th, 2008 (I was 8 years old), suddenly, I began grumbling very loudly. I was biting my tail while trying to hide under a table or under a chair.

My Masters did not know what to do. They were even afraid I would attack them.

After two hours, at about eleven o’clock, they decided to call the vet on duty.

Stroke of luck, it was my doctor! She told them to try to give me some Crisax (the same as Luminal for humans) because there was some left in the house – Jump, my Colley friend was epileptic – and to take me to her surgery the following morning.

She examined me.

My Masters told her that I had been coughing for some time but she found nothing wrong with my lungs.

She said to continue Crisax and prescribed some steroid stuff for the cough.

For my doctor they were epileptoid fits, the origin of which she did not understand.

He didn’t tell me, but my Master looked for “epileptoid fits” and he found that in the case of cats “the forecast is dark “.

My Masters really believed that our common life was coming to an end.

As I shook my head and moved my ears they feared very serious in my brain.

On July 7th, 2008, my Master decided to help me to write my memoirs: Le Blog de Frimousse.

On July 16th, I was taken to my doctor’s again.

She said my cough was tracheitis, no risk of suffocation. She prescribed a medicine to take in the morning and in the evening.

For my fits, she said that it couldn’t be a brain tumor because my health would have deteriorated in a month while it was rather the opposite – and that I would suffer more and more while I did not suffer and while the fits were somewhat cured by caresses.

I was taken to my doctor’s I do not remember how many times. She concluded that it was “behavioral”.

Rose, (her blog) worried about me. She told my Masters to try and give me Rescue drops. I take that medicine from time to time but I spot it fast in my food and I leave Tigri and RouXy finish my dish.

“The fits are irregular in frequency and intensity,” my Master says. What then?

I, Frimousse, have to live with those fits.

And my Masters have to live with Frimousse and his fits. That’s it.

An important thing: contrary to what my Masters were afraid of, when I have fits, I do not attack either my Masters, or Tigri, or RouXy!”

June 6th was two days ago.

July 7th will be in a month.

2008, that’s ten years ago.

Some many memories of dear Frimousse, joy and sorrow…



Just another day?

Saturday May 26th, 4:15 in the morning, Elouan, aka the elder of Jump‘s little Masters, and Arthur, his best running partner, are out of bed. We were at Elouan’s house the previous night and they came back with us (*) to spend the night here.

A few slices of bread and jam and off they went to the mountain top! It was still dark outside. We could see tiny spots of lights moving in the mountain. It was the Maxi-Race week-end in Annecy. Both Elouan and Arthur would have liked to take part in either of the two longest events: Ultra 116km (72M) D+ 7360m (24000ft)  or Maxi-race 87km (54M)  D+ 6000m (19000ft) but runners must be 18 and Elouan and Arthur are only respectively 16 and 15… So they decided to encourage runners especially the few of them they know. And the champion, François d’Haene, of course. They eventually met François d’Haene who, in spite of the fact that he was leading the race, stopped and chatted a little moment with Elouan and Arthur, while another of the many spectators took the photograph. Elouan and Arthur spent the whole morning running up and down along the route of the race, encouraging runners by sounding a big bell, and eventually arrived here for lunch some time after 12:30. In the middle of the afternoon they went home on their bikes 35km (21M).

Well, a healthier day than one many young people their ages spend on their video game consoles…

François d’Haene is currently training for the Western States Endurance Run he will run in June.

(*) With their mountain bikes on the bike-rack of our car.