Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse

You don’t look after the cats, do you?

My son, Jump’s Master, and my grandson, the elder of Jump’s little-Masters, with two friends of his, have decided to cycle to Nice. Via mountain roads, of course. If you want to follow their five-day journey, it’s here.

Phiphi’s Mistress comments : « Quite a programme ! Je only know Allos pass and Grand-Saint-Bernard. By car ! But wonderful souvenirs with a friend from Vacheresse.

Mum/Grannie’s assistance in the car, that’s safe. And a good programme for Frimousse’s Mistress… What about you ? You can’t say you must look after the cats now, can you ? »

Well… I follow the progression to Nice and next week I’ll assist Frimousse’s Mistress.