Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse

Frimousse’s Mistress…

Frimousse’s Mistress has a friend whose husband works in Annecy and Milan. In February he was in Milan. A week after his return, his Milanese colleague informed him that she had the virus. And a few days later the disease started for him. Very ill for two months. His wife was contaminated, of course. But for her, a gentle flu. Why? An explanation: she is one of those who will swim in the Lake several times a week, even in winter. It boosts the defenses, right? And yet the government does not want to allow to swim in the lakes or the sea before the month of June at the earliest! Afraid that tourists will arrive in mass? But… the limit of 100 km and the limitations to get out of its department? Incoherent. Moka, our part-time black kitten doesn’t have to think about that when she enjoys the milk we give her. What will change for me on May 11th? I won’t have to fill up those damn documents and no longer have to walk or jog here, less than a kilometre from home. I will be able to try to run on the flat again near the Lake. [more]

Let me…

Let me think of all the cats and dogs that have been “abandoned” temporarily or forever by their Masters who were taken to hospital,  and had to stay there for several weeks – or will never come back. They are in deep distress and their Masters too. The same misery as in the  case of fire or flood or war. Of course children, relatives and friends are the main source of sorrow but to have to leave dear pets behind is additional grieve at a time when pets could provide comfort.

Let me give you a rapid translation of a comment left by Jean-Marc on my previous post « Anger », « Colère » in French

« I just want to understand. We have to go to work again but we must not move freely more than 100 km. You can pile up in a supermarket, but you can’t walk in the woods. A doctor will have to «report» the patients to the social security (well yes, see what has happened this day). They create «brigades», that word makes me shudder and makes me want to vomit. They want to make an app on the smartphones, don’t give a damn of privacy we have been spied on for a long-time, but for me the concern is more serious, it is the return of the yellow star, or of the years where they were considering to pen people with AIDS … and flatter the low instincts of pointing the finger at the ones to be set aside. It stinks … and I have dreaded it from the first day of the “M” election, you know, I’ve never hidden it. I wish I had had been wrong. Honestly. But the machine was running and it was just waiting for the right opportunity. The reality could get worse than my nightmare. »