Moka visits us more and more often. Since we give her milk and food. But at lunch-time she caught a bird and ate it. Should we stop feeding the birds, since it’s summer, or should we stop giving anything to Moka?
Moka visits us more and more often. Since we give her milk and food. But at lunch-time she caught a bird and ate it. Should we stop feeding the birds, since it’s summer, or should we stop giving anything to Moka?
My outdoor cats have food on a regular schedule and water always available. They still catch birds (which I regret) and mice and chipmunks and even red squirrels. I think cats are cats. If you usually don;t feed the birds in the summer then stopping is an option. I have the most trees in my yard, so the birds will be here anyway.
Last summer “our” birds didn’t stop asking for seeds. Frimousse was a great bird-catcher. He really enjoyed eating sparrows. One he caught a dormouse and didn’t eat it.
I started feeding birds after Frimousse’s death, because there was no cats around the house. But the birds have attracted cats. And now three lady cats visit us regularly – Moka is really regular now. No more sparrows – they are a species in extinction I think.
Moka has just had food and milk – she was waiting in front of the door before 7.
We hope you keep feeding both. The truth is that nature will be nature and when we stick our hands in that is when it goes awry
Very wise.
Nice to meet you Moka.
So, you like our visitor!