10 thoughts on “Summer

  1. Mary McNeil

    Good to hear from you again – sorry the memories are sad ones. The Winter Solstice, for me, is the loss of my beloved Tortie Minka in 2015. If you live long enough, I guess, more and more dates become anniversaries of something sad.

  2. Timmy Tomcat

    The CKF is just something that many cats get as they age as a sad fact. I believe Tigri was resting under a nice bush and enjoyed the summer. Be well my friends! Purrs from all

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Yes, according to our vet about 40% of cats die because of CKF. But… Tigri was the youngest of the three! He died before being 10-years old, after having been ill for nearly two years. Quite young, then.
      Tigri on the day before he had to be put to sleep :

  3. Eastside Cats

    Spring went by much too fast, but we are having reasonable temps here in Michigan, and I’ve been spending a lot of time outside with all of the cats. I am curious about the bush or tree with the reddish and green leaves…it’s very pretty!

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Last night was very hot. Meadows are still green but if the dry weather goes on they’ll rapidly look like doormats We have to water the garden, RouXy’s, Tigri’s, and Frimousse’s flowers in particular. We are lucky there is a stream nearby from which we can pump water – the stream has never been dry according to RouXy’s Master, who’s been living here for nearly seventy years.
      The bush is a copper hazelnut bush.

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Tigri was a very very gentle cat. We had rescued him from a ravine where his “Masters” had probably thrown him from their car. Tigri always remembered. He started been ill when he was 8 and died before he was 10. He was the youngest. Frimousse’s Mistress would call him her “lapounet”, her “wee baby rabbit”.
      One of Tigri’s last pictures:


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