11 thoughts on “Make our Planet Great Again

  1. hairballsandhissyfits.com

    I know — it’s all very devastating! We should be smarter!

    Love those photos of how you had to adapt your cat door!! And don’t worry–Frodo and Zulu did not get in trouble–in fact they got lots of cuddles AND into my office!

  2. Eastside Cats

    The human race can be rather short-sighted, as we use the earth, water, and air to pollute. And if companies don’t make enough money, then being responsible goes to the wayside. Dumb.

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      “As little as we CAN”, that is the problem!
      If I change my old boiler for a new one that is less fuel consuming, what will happen to the old one? How much energy and raw products will be needed to build the new one?


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