6 thoughts on “With Sam

  1. Mary McNeil

    How wonderful to learn of Frimousse’s other friends. I saw the dogs in the slide show and wondered what their story was. Thank you again for this effort.

  2. Eastside Cats

    Being a relative newbie to Angel Frimousse’s blog, this is the first time I’ve seen doggies! Someday, we’d like to have a dog or two, and of course more cats! The Hubby cannot envision it just yet, but I work on him every single day. I think that he thinks his ‘love’ storage is only big enough for what we have now, while I KNOW his heart is as big as an ocean. Trying to avoid being sad, to me, is not a reason to avoid love.

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Frimousse and Tigri were friends with all the dogs they met. So was RouXy, except with… Sam. He didn’t want to have Sam near him. I think on one occasion his stump got hurt “because of” Sam. so he didn’t want it to happen again. Sam would never have hurt RouXy deliberately.

  3. Timmy

    It is good to see Frimousse’s friends and that some are woofies. Seems there was a very happy pack of dogs and cats in the neighborhood! So nice to see this


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