We’re back

Photo just before going to the vet’s surgery

Frimousse has a cancer. either liver or pancreas. No treatment possible. He had an injection. He was very pleased to be in his garden again! We have arranged with Frimousse’s doctor to receive us rapidly if Frimousse is suffering.

I won’t answer each of your comments. I’m sure you’ll understand.


24 thoughts on “We’re back

  1. Danielle et =^.^=

    Et m …. !
    mais vous êtes de retour tous les 3 et Frimousse ne souffre pas ….
    Merci pour ce message et ce temps possible pour gentil Frimousse.
    Câlins et pensées =^.^=

    [Sh***! But the ” of you are back, and Frimousse is not suffering..; Thank you for the message and this extra time for the kind Frimousse. Purrs =^.^=]

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      J’étais absolument certain que le problème n’était pas QUE la disparition de Frimousse, qu’il y avait un problème organique. Je ne suis donc pas surpris du tout.

      [I was 100% sure Frimousse’s problem was NOT ONLY due to RouXy’s death. I was certain there was organic trouble. I’m not surprised at all.]

      1. Danielle et =^.^=

        Organic trouble for sure but it could have been less serious …

        We know you’ll do the best for Frimousse =^.^=

        1. Le Maître de Frimousse

          Well… we knew cat that had similar symptoms. That is why Frimousse’s Mistress and I were not surprised at all. Just very sorry to be right…

  2. Tyssen Nicole

    Vous êtes rentrés avec lui ,comme j’ai pensé à vous aujourd’hui !

    [You brought him back home with you. I thought of you all day today!]

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Condoléances! But he is still alive! How long will Frimousse be with us? The vet CAN’T say – a couple of weeks? A month? A couple of months?
      As 15andmeowing writes, we’ll try to have “quality life” with Frimousse.
      One, human or cat, has to die one day. Frimousse will be 17 in May. He is an old cat now, even if he was quite fit and looked much younger two months ago. That’s life. But we were very happy he came back with us yesterday, ALIVE!

        1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

          “Sincères condoléances” is a rather formal phrase you say or you write to express your sympathy with some one – in the case of a dead person, or cat (!).
          I think what you meant would be “Toute ma sympathie” or in a more casual way “Je pense beaucoup à toi/vous”.
          I hope you will take this “lesson” well. Your French is quite good. It is the very first improper usage I have noticed in your comments so far.
          So please, go on using French when you wish. (I’m sure there are plenty of mistakes in my texts and comments too!)

  3. Mary McNeil

    Better news than I was afraid we would hear – more time to love on him,and for him to spend in his beloved garden.
    Such a good plan by your doctor. Like with the Elkhound I lost before Christmas – nothing to be done, and no reason to put him through the stress and pain. Purrs and gentle kisses to Frimousse and love to you both.

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      I totally agree with you. I didn’t think he would come back with us ALIVE. but he did! We know he’ll die soon but we have arranged so that he would die without suffreing. Making him happy is our priority from now on. My only worry for the time being is that next Thursday we’ll have to lock him in because of an obligation…

  4. Timmy

    As long as he has a quality of life then he can enjoy his garden. Our Buddy has been living with cancer for a year and still loves life. Purrs and Prayers to you all!
    Timmy, Dad and Family

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      I hope Frimousse can live as long as your Buddy. – but the vet is pessimistic when she sees the evolution of Frimousse’s health in a fortnight. You’re right, his garden is the place he likes to be.

  5. Punapippuri

    Now we hope there will be plenty of rats for Frimousse to chase, and lots of sunshine to keep him warm. We are very sad, but know you will be monitoring his quality of life to make sure he gets the most out of his time left with you, loving HIS garden and HIS bed. Many purrs.


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