19 thoughts on “News

      1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

        The same here. I emailed the vet this morning. She answered that as long as Frimousse eats, even very little, as long as he goes roaming in his garden, we must consider he’s still alive.
        Have a good weekend.

        1. Mary McNeil

          So glad you can get in touch with the vet. He seems to be “down” more later in the day. This is not unusual as one gets older – even humans are subject to “sundowner’s syndrome.” Glad he is out and about. Purrs.

          1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

            I think you’re right.
            At the moment he is dozing under the hazel bush – no leaves yet, just the beginning of buds.
            When you see his “look”, it is certainly not time to put him to sleep yet!
            I hope the sunshine keeps until it is time for him to get in.
            Have a nice day!

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      Frimousse playing with a chicken wing this Monday morning…

      If we could stop the tumour growing, and give Frimousse his muscles back…

      Have a nice day, when you wake up.

  1. Mary McNeil

    So sorry to read (in French translation) that today is not a good day for Sweet Frimousse – and a bittersweet birthday for his mistress.
    Still, there he is in his beloved garden. “The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak,” as becomes of all of us eventually.

  2. Mary McNeil

    They will probably say they can drain it but it will just come back. (based on my cats with similar conditions) That decision must be between you 2 and beloved Frimousse. Difficult ! Prayers.


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