My life is very monotonous. Snowdrops grow, hellebores are nearly blooming. It is almost warm. Springtime? The most joyful season? Ugh!
RouXy’s Master has begun cleaning his garden, so that it will be ready for plantations. With his tractor he’s taken away weeds and what he’s cut on bushes and trees. Don’t you believe he would do better to search for his cat?
I know you are sad and lonely Frimousse but try to have a happy valentine’s day!
Sunshine outside, and mild weather.
But I, Frimousse….
On my Masters’bed.
At least you are covered in flowers!
and when I move it makes a distinctive noise, similar to that of the scratching of the back of carpets but on a higher pitch…
Frimousse, you are such a kind and gentle soul. I hope that you find a new cat friend to share your time with.
A new cat? No! My Masters don’t want anyway.
Oh Frimousse – things change, things go on, whether we are ready or not. Gentle hugs and purrs
No, my Masters won’t change their minds. My Master is too old.