Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse


May Day, yesterday, was like an All Saints Day, six months late or six months early, you choose. In French we say un temps de Toussaint [All Saints Day weather] to describe a gray, overcast, rather cold weather.

This Wednesday morning is nearly similar.

I went for a short walk, on my usual route, above the village. It starts with a rather steep path, which I try to climb without having to stop to catch my breath. Well… I nearly did. But the improvement I had experienced a week ago has been ruined, that’s clear.

There were plenty of heifers in the meadows. Poor creatures! They are enjoying the best time of their lives, before becoming milk producing machines and beef producing machines.

No cat in sight. The second part of the route is on a road, and when I see a cat near a road, or crossing it, it always makes me very sad.

Taking about cats and roads, do you remember the article I posted a month ago, about Sushi? A couple of days ago I was driving past his house. And there was Sushi! On the wrong side of the road! He looks so much like RouXy! I would have liked to take him in my arms and… carry him back home… But Sushi has four legs and can run fast. Well, I left him where he was, praying nothing happens to this very gentle cat.



Strange spring

The beautiful yellow flowers where our Frimousse is buried begin to fade. Flowers, as on the graves of human beings? I hear the charge of anthropomorphism from those who accuse Peter Wohlleben (*) of it… Or more straightforwardly of stupidity… Our Frimousse was better than those people, that’s sure.

The imperial fritillaries, which usually remain in flower during several weeks, are already fading.

The bay tree, which we had brought with us, together with our dear Frimousse, when we moved to live here almost seventeen years ago, has dried. Coincidence? I’ve just pruned it very severely. According to RouXy’s Master we’ll have to wait until August to see if it starts over.


(*) The author of The Hidden Life of Trees and The Inner Life of Animals