Author Archives: Le Maitre de Frimousse

The Haystack

The eldest sister of Frimousse’s Mistress is an artist. During the whole month of May she exhibits some of her paintings. She has just create a blog. You’ll know (almost) everything about her.

(the haystack)

A kitchen garden entered Didier’s house with its scarlet tomatoes and its onions truer than life. On another painting, the old blue door is kept opened by a pot of geranium, logs are stored under the steps of the staircase, and the table and its straw-bottomed chair are waiting for the visitor. With an acute sensibility, Muriel redraws the peaceful atmosphere of those rural houses. Every detail is an invitation for serenity. “Painting is a necessity for me; I have always painted since my childhood. I live in the countryside, close to nature. During my humble moments of wandering, I draw my inspiration from the unbelievable wealth offered by nature”