7 thoughts on “This is a deer

  1. Timmy and Dad

    We support sane and sober hunting by responsible persons. This could not have been that. We have something called manslaughter which can get up to 12 years. This person needs at least 5 and then maybe, maybe a parole after very good behavior.
    Here where I live it is overrun with deer. So much so many are killed and injure drivers on the roads. Dad was almost gotten as they ran into his car luckily hitting the side instead of leaping and then they go through the windscreen. That is so sad all around.
    Timmy and Dad

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      There are deer here but as hunters kill a fixed number evey year there aren’t too many.
      Wild boars are quite numerous. But the same farmers who complain they are too numerous are the hunters that feed them with maize!

    1. Le Maitre de Frimousse Post author

      They say that the right to go hunting is a conquest of the People at the 1989 Revolution Before the Nobility had the privilege of hunting. And today in France the lobbies of the hunters are very powerful.


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