The Master of Minidril, who is a junior doctor at the university hospital in Lyons, visited his parents and his cat last week. He was told the Minidril aka Kiki was very happy here it that it was out of question she goes back and stay alone all day in a flat in Lyons. He seems to have received the message…
Kiki has taken possession of Plume’s garden. She looks very happy. She is visited several times a day by a black cat, Moka.

So glad things are working out so all are happy !
she is beautiful!!
Isn’t she! She was very shy. But she is improving. She is getting used to playing with people – she used to spend her days alone in a flat, her “former Masters” work 16 hours a day 4 days a week as junior doctors at the hospi… Her “new Masters” are here 24/7 – The “big” Master works from home, he’s been teleworking for several years.
I have a special place in my heart for white cats. Our Angel kitty Pee was such a loving cat. She was prodigious in producing litters (before the time of knowing of neuter/spay) and always had all black or white kittens. She was only happy pregnant or with a litter and when she was finally spayed she kept her last kitten, Inky, close until her passing. I still miss her and little Inky who lived to 22.
Kiki is a very pretty lady and we are so glad she is fitting in and having a good life
At the moment, it is funny we see a huge number of black cats! And a lot of ginger cats too. But some white cats as well. Other colours seem to have vanished!