We’ve had a couple of hours at the house of a friend of Frimousse’s Mistress, who has two cats: Sushi, whom I’ve already told you about, and Nina, a little one-eyed pussy they are now taking care of – she was mistreated by her previous Masters, who probably caused the loss of her eye.
Other photo of Sushi on Rouxy’s blog, the blog of ginger cats…
For «our» sports activities, you can, if you wish, visit the blog Running.

Dads friend was a runner for a long time and now he uses an elliptical in his home to slow the progression of his knee problems. We wish you a speedy recovery and a return to your best possible capacity as soon as is reasonable.
Little Nina looks like she has found a new home and it quite happy. Good for her and we hope her past owners never have any more pets of any sort
I don’t think my knees will ever improve. I just hope they stay as they are. As far as my grandson is converned he had to undergo that operation because in September he starts studying sport at the university. He’s got to be in good shape!
I know nothing about Nina’s former Masters. I wish them to die. A very painful cancer would suit them, wouldn’t it?
Thank you for sharing the story of these kitties ! I have knee problems of my own, so I can sympathize.
But I try to walk/jog 5 km (3 M) per day. I hope you can as well!
So glad you have cats to visit! And happy that Nina found good owners!
Well Moka didn’t visit us for three or four days. But she was here yesterday, late in the evening. Asking for “her” milk.