Millions of surgical-grade face-masks will be on sale in supermarkets on Monday. All health professions are outraged because until today they have had to use masks sparingly because of their rarity. And there have been deaths among the sick and caregivers because of this shortage. How is it that millions of masks suddenly appear?
For my part, I do not understand why the Orders of Physicians, of Pharmacists, of Dentists, of Physiotherapists, les organisations of nurses, etc. do not intervene on radio and television to denounce this scandal and to name those responsible. They are not the managers of supermarkets, who do their jobs as shopkeepers, but those whose mission is to monitor, and regulate. But they prefer to use police motor-cycles, helicopters, drones to make sure that no walker goes out more than an hour once a day, within a 1 km radius of his home.
None for sale here that I know of (in Ohio) though I did get some disposable gloves the other week, Our government seems to be hijacking shipments meant for the states. War profiteering continues apace…and many good caring deeds too !
Well… I suppose your gouvernment is worse than ours… But different. Ours say they follow the advice of the “experts”. Two problems:
1. They listen to the “experts” they agree with.
2. Those “experts” change opinion twice a week!
I was so lucky as a friend who is in cat rescue had gotten some right before the big scarcity. We now have a friend who is sewing them so we will have a nice on with a cat on front in the mail today. Totally agree with the idiocy of politicians here, abroad, the world over!
One thing we do know there are way too many people. When I was young overpopulation was something that was stressed. Now it is out of favor as being “against” one group of peoples or another.
I agree with you. Far too many people on earth. But difficult to convince people they have to avoid having too many children – I just think of the attitude of the moslem and RC religions… The Chinese managed to impose one child only. Is it practicable in many other countries?
Another reason for our troubles is extensive movement of people round the world, for holidays, in particular.